Release: 04.11.2022
Embrace The Meantime
Das ungeplante Album für die Zwischenzeit
Im Frühjahr 2020 fing das Drama an: Corona. Wie wohl die meisten von uns, verbrachte auch ich nun viel Zeit zuhause. Ein paar mal streamte ich mit "Herr Schoen live aus dem Herrenzimmer" online Live-Konzerte. Doch es blieb immer noch so viel Zeit. Also begann ich damit - erst am iPad und dann am Mac -, neue Musik aufzunehmen und alte Songs fertig zu stellen. Und ich schrieb einen Song nach dem anderen. Die latente Spannung, die über dieser Zeit lag, schien mich zu beflügeln. Irre.
Irgendwann dachte ich, dass ich nun ausreichend Material für ein neues Album hatte. Doch es hörte irgendwie nicht auf. Die Ideen sprudelten weiter aus mir heraus. Und die technischen Möglichkeiten, zuhause am Mac bis in die Nacht Ideen aufnehmen zu können, beflügelten mich zusätzlich. Ich probierte neue Sounds aus, wagte mich an ungewohnte Arrangements. Und irgendwann stellte ich fest, dass ich knapp drei Jahre nach meiner Album Release Premiere und vor dem eigentlich geplanten neuen Album noch etwas loswerden musste. Songs, die nicht länger auf eine Veröffentlichung warten wollten. Die nicht auf das geplante Album passen wollten.
Was blieb mir also anderes übrig, als ein Album "dazwischen" zu schieben. Ein Album, das irgendwie aus zwei Hälften zu bestehen scheint. Mit einem Opener, der ganz langsam und zart beginnt und sich dann immer mehr aufbäumt. Songs voller Traurigkeit wechseln sich mit fröhlicher Unbekümmertheit ab. Eine freche Klappe mit vorsichtigen Worten. Und eingerahmt werden die insgesamt 12 Songs von zwei Titeln, die zweisprachig in griechisch-englisch angelegt sind.
Ist EMBRACE THE MEANTIME also experimentell? Ja, in Teilen vielleicht. Ist es ein Lückenfüller? Ganz bestimmt nicht. Es baut eher eine große und mächtige Brücke in die Zukunft. Man könnte sagen: Es musste einfach raus. Und ich kann nur hoffen, dass ihr das nach dem Hören genauso seht. Und dass ihr es gern immer wieder und wieder hört.
Meine Bitte an euch: Nehmt euch die Zeit, das Album am Stück zu hören. Ihr werden den roten Faden hören und spüren. Und ich hoffe, ihr fühlt euch danach belohnt.
EMBRACE THE MEANTIME habe ich tatsächlich im Alleingang geschrieben, aufgenommen, gemischt und gemastert. Aber ich mache kein Hehl daraus, dass es ohne die vielen Tipps und die Geduld von Ole "Shibby" Kuhlmann schwer geworden wäre, das Album auf dieses Level zu heben. Danke, Shibby!
Und bei Pavlos und Adonis bedanke ich mich für die Unterstützung bei den griechischen Passagen im ersten und letzten Song. Ich hoffe, es klingt nun auch ein bisschen griechisch. Ihr wisst, dass ich dieses Land und die Menschen liebe. Anspieltipp: THIS COUNTRY.
Und wie immer danke ich meiner Familie und meinen Freunden für die vielen Stunden, die ihr mich entbehren musstest und die vielen Momente, in denen eure Ohren vermutlich geglüht haben. Und vor allem danke ich euch für den Support gerade in den letzten Monaten, in denen das Leben ein wenig aus den Fugen geraten ist. Manchmal ist das halt so.
Und dann bleibt nur eins: EMBRACE THE MEANTIME!
You Will Never Know Me
This Country
Dark And Dirty
Small Man
Only The Memories Remain
Our Daily Red (instr.)
One More Glass Of Wine
Never Again
Embrace The Meantime
total playing time: 57:08 min
Dieses Album ist für dich, Mama.
I asked myself
why didn't you talk to me?
You never reached out for me?
And how a man should be.
Have you ever tried to think
what could have been?
Have you ever dared to see
what should have been.
I don't want to blame you.
I'm not that different from you.
I'm still stumbling around
Like you used to stumble around
Maybe that's all men can do.
Have you ever tried to see
what I see?
Have you ever dared to go there
where i have been?
If you think I don't mind
when you talk about me
Let me tell you how it feels!
To be trapped in a dream
About who you could have been
but you never were to me
Tell me what to call you!
And I'll tell you how it feels!
And you will agree:
you will never know me
I never thought I would need a place to feel home.
I've never believed in countries and borders, oh no, I still don't.
But I believe in the culture and I love its diversity.
And there is one I adore.
One which feels good.
I didn't expect to be drawn away from here.
I would have expected to grow old here.
But if I listen deep inside, I hear you sing.
And this Song is so beautiful.
I hear you call me.
I can hear the sea.
I would like to be sometimes here and sometimes there.
I would miss my friends and family, why don't you come with me?
Maybe then you'll feel the same I do
about This place.
This beautiful Place.
I probably have a few years left and I would like to be there for a part of it.
I know you are rolling your eyes now, but that's the way it is.
You guys are probably into cars, shopping, and wealth.
But This Country is good for my Health.
And this country is good for my health
Go, dare. stay there!
I feel free in Greece
I feel sick immediately.
I would like to make you silent!
Oh yes and Constantly!
But I don‘t want my Soul
to be dark and dirty
as yours my friend
I don‘t want my mind
to think Dark and Dirty
Because Bad guys like you
Aren‘t what we need
When I feel your hatred I could
Punch you in your Face
but when I would use violence
I would have to live in big disgrace
But I don‘t want my Soul
to be dark and dirty
as yours my friend
I don‘t want my mind
to think Dark and Dirty
Because Bad guys like you
aren't what we need ..,
You could never ever make me
what you like me to be
I will always find the right words
to tell you what I see
I don’t need my mirror nomore
so I took it of the wall
then it tried to curse me
so I smashed it on the floor
I‘ve looked into the mirror
but I never saw myself
So if I'll ever need assistance
I will ask you for help
And I‘ll never be
Dark and dirty
I‘ll never be
Dark and dirty
Small man comes into small town
got some flowers in his hands
Tries to find there a small girl
who never gets flowers from a man
So he walks down the small streets
making small steps with his small feet
but the girls they just run away
because they think he’s a creep
Run on small man
You maybe find her someday
Run on small man
You maybe find your love someday
But small man he cannot wait
he sells the flowers and buys some hate
And he follows some small wasted souls
who tell him he could have it all
So he leaves for a small time
Comes back with a small mind
And he shoots the small ladies down
In a small place – in a big town
Small man you messed it up
You shot your future down!
`cause the girl that might have loved you
is lying dead on the ground
You sucker!
Small man you messed it up
You shot your future down!
`cause the girl that might have loved you
is lying dead on the ground
You sucker!
Well, we‘ve been through
a whole lot of trouble
I can‘t say that I liked all things you did
But I‘m ready to forgive so don‘t you worry
There are many things that can certainly be fixed
Many things to repair so let’s stack the bricks
But please be honest and spare me your tricks
It is time
Really time
For a reboot
We point our fingers at each other
No matter what goes wrong the other is to blame
You insulted me, you said I was just way too credulous
But have you ever tried to think that it was you
That it could be you who’s beeing fooled?
Now you‘re standing there and you don‘t what to do
Let me tell you
is the only way to make it.
what do I ask of you? it's not that much.
I'm sure that even you can take it
that sometimes I'm just right
So will you please think about it tonight
Now leave the path that will lead you
into loneliness and nothingness
but there's one rule to follow,
don't forget one thing:
don't walk around with fascists anymore!
It was you who always called me.
who explained to me how rock 'n' roll works.
and you? I've seen you on the street every now and then!
always a smile on your face. Always pure friendliness.
And your face? I only know that from the newspaper.
And you? I've always found your voice kind of pleasant.
And you? Well, many years ago you left us, my friend, in deep sorrow.
But I'll never forget you asking me if I needed a pulpit.
Another face has disappeared.
another voice is silent.
another story is told to the end.
and only the memory remains.
And you, my father, what have I done?
I prolonged your suffering because I thought you had a chance.
And you red lady
I remember your swinging dance
And your pain, my dear uncle,
tore my heart in two.
Another face has disappeared.
another voice is silent.
another story is told to the end.
and only the memories remain
Hey you, do you feel how we think of you?
Hey you, can you forgive us for what we didn't do?
Hey you, are you waiting for us to come?
And you dear grandma went away and everything was so quiet
And you, my friend, I hope she held you tight
We all lose people
and every day there are more.
until one day he'll come to us.
Stop writing songs about freedom
Stop writing songs about the war
I don't want to hear you singing about dying on the streets
`Cause it's obvious, it's obvious what you want
Stop cheating the youth, stop sharing my tears
Stop staring into nowhere, 'cause there you've never been
Stop staring at all, 'cause all you want to see
Is yourself every night on TV
Stop writing songs
Stop writing songs
Stop wasting paper for empty words
Stop killing my dreams 'cause they are all I believe in
You've never believed but I do so and that's why I warn you
Better stop writing about the truth
Stop writing songs
Stop writing songs
Stop writing songs about the world
Many people tought me things,
that I should use in life.
Parents, friends and teachers,
they were usefull at some point.
But when I picked up my first guitar
and played too many notes
I needed someone else to show me
How to leave some out
I cannot recall when I first realised
that your playing style was far from being fast or loud.
You have written many songs
That I just could not play
I knew the chords,
but I didn‘t Know
that my tuning was not right
It was you who showed me how to play.
It was you many years later
who got me back on my trail.
Open tunings and serenity are the keys to do it right.
And that is why I wrote this song for you
And I‘ll play it every night (If you like)
It’s been such a lovely day
did you feel the spark?
All problems have been blown away
Now it’s getting dark
And the sun has coloured my skin
what a wonderful feeling
It’s not the right time for big discussions
on such a nice evening
Let’s have one more glass of wine
let’s count the stars
Let us enjoy this perfect time
and we’ll forget about our scars
You can never know how many nights
are left for us
So let’s celebrate life with one more wine
as long as it’s dark
Do you remember how often we walked
when the heavy rain flooded the park
We’ve been talking about a future
that is so present now
Sometimes these memories drag me down
but most times they lift me up
Life’s been good to us so far
Well, I’d take one more shot!
Let’s have one more glass of wine
let’s count the stars
Let us enjoy this perfect time
and we’ll forget about our scars
You can never know how many nights
are left for us
So let’s celebrate life with one more wine
as long as it’s dark
I have learned to be silent
to accept what is different.
Unfortunately, I never learned
When the other eats you up.
I tried not to hurt
and endure the pain.
I tried to smother the fire
Until my hands were singed.
Way too long!
I never screamed out loud.
I used to cry inside.
The tears drowned my soul
And my devils caught me at night
But I never gave up hope
That someone could be honest
But when the heart starts bleeding from within
you're drowning in your self
And people listen to liars
tend to believe them these days.
And hope burns in the fire
of ignorance these days.
For you, weakness means strength.
For you, weakness means strength.
For you, weakness means strength.
But they only take the chance to burn you
Never again!
No, I won't do that again.
And I will never return!
This time is over (it must be over).
I stumbled, I fell.
I have been through this hell
Fear had gripped me instead,
but now I'm free
and I breathe again
I can't say I'm fine, but
it's just one of those times
When the days and the nights
Are somehow the same.
But I'm ready to go
through this valley of cold.
I can carry this load.
And it won't break my spine
Never again
Never again
I haven't seen the whole world.
I don't know more than you
I'm no better than you. Or worse.
Two years is a long time.
two long years but we're still not ready
to learn, to understand, to accept.
We only take. we don't give
we just scold. we don't laugh.
we just hate. we don't love.
we still don't love.
But my heart is beating.
But My heart is beating.
But my heart is beating loudly.
Δεν έχω δει όλο τον κόσμο.
Δεν ξέρω περισσότερα από σένα.
Δεν είμαι καλύτερος από σένα η χειρότερος
Δύο χρόνια είναι πολλά.
δύο χρόνια και ακόμα. Δεν είμαστε έτοιμοι .
Να μαθαίνουμε. να καταλαβαίνουμε. να αποδεχόμαστε
παίρνουμε μόνο. δεν δίνουμε
απλά μαλώνουμε. δεν γελάμε.
απλά μισούμε. δεν αγαπάμε
ακόμα δεν αγαπάμε
Αλλά η καρδιά μου χτυπάει.
η καρδιά μου χτυπάει.
η καρδιά μου χτυπάει δυνατά.
Embrace the Meantime
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